Monday, December 24, 2012

Getting Ready!

We will be having a very White Christmas! We have a good amount of snow, while one town over there's next to none! Funny little town we live in! We are busy getting ready for Christmas festivities. I have completed one batch of cookies :( I'm wayyyy behind. I stayed up until 3am finish my last gift, hopefully my brother likes it! All our other gifts are wrapped and my dad picked them all up yesterday! (we head to there house as soon as we get up, they live less than one minute up the street =)

My single completed batch of cookies are chocolate crinkle cookies, which are delicious!!!
 Here's the recipe: williams sonoma

I've been tacking on other crazy projects as I go too. I don't know what comes over me! We had to make an emergency trip to Home Depot yesterday for supplies. Hopefully, with my dad's help, those projects can be done next week. Last night we did some work setting up Mr.R's room. =)

This was my dresser from when I was a baby. My parents were nice enough to give it to us. It was stained brown (sadly we forgot to take before pics) We recruited my brother to refinish it =) I went crazy and went with a glossy dark blue! I love it!
We ordered some special knobs and pulls to give it more of a "boy" look

 I'm such a sap that I cannot get rid of the original knobs and pulls circa 1982-83....I will save them!

We are super excited for Christmas! We are also way far behind with back to work I go! Merry Christmas all! 

and good bye Magic! See you next year!


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Christmas Mess!

Well, it seems everything is going on at once for us! Between Owl orders, Christmas, having a wild two year old, and only 43 days until my due date I'm going crazy!!! I stay up past 1am every night and then get up with Mr.M in the am =( So I'm pretty tired! I have declared today a PJ day! The weather has helped me decide this!
The snowflakes are really big, but my iPhone camera just doesn't do it justice. (On that note, any camera recommendations??? I'm hoping to purchase one after the holidays, but I know nothing about cameras!?!)

      I've been trying to get everything done and sadly my Christmas crafting has suffered =(
 I'll share what we have managed to accomplish....

 My burlap tree was a hit and I had to make and mail some for friends and family! It was easy, but time consuming for sure!

 My son's felt tree was a hit for the first few days, he seems to have moved on to bigger and better things, it doesn't help that we put this up a week before Thanksgiving!

Baby trees! Trees for the boys! We got these little twig trees from the Arbor Day Foundation at the end of the summer and planted them in little pots. We brought them in to decorate with and when we end up in our forever house they'll go in the ground! Until then they look very seasonal wrapped in a little burlap.

 I finished my burlap and red tree skirt just in time to put up the tree! I worked fast and late to get this done!

Our first real tree! I was super excited! We placed our tree stand in a large galvanized bucket, which is a good idea if you're like me and can't control where you water =) We used colored lights for the first time too. My parents suggested it and said that kids love colored lights and they're only little for a short time, so my style went out the window for a more Mr.M friendly tree!

All of our presents are wrapped and under the tree or HIDDEN away! One week from today! I'm super excited to see Mr.M open his gifts this year =)

So back to watching "snowy Barney", that's what Mr.M calls Barney's Christmas special

PS I have to thank Holly for "managing" my household while I finished up my orders and many Christmas gifts this past weekend! Thanks! Love you!


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Today's the day!

  I'm officially starting up again! First an update! I'm 33 weeks pregnant today, exciting! Baby R's room is nearly complete, I hope to post some pictures and projects from the room in the near future. Brenda and I have been working hard on orders for Two Mama Owls ( I'm happy to announce  I'm nearly caught up on orders, but I still have many Christmas projects to try and complete in the next thirteen days. =/ I've been figuring out what I want to make for Spring and I have a shipment of yarn on the way!

So my plan is to re-post my most popular entries from my original blog. Here's my #1 most popular, MY STAIRS =)

I absolutely hated my stairs! We had redone the floors, but the stairs weren't exactly "normal" measurements and carpet was just too costly after the remodel we had done. I thought and thought and dreamed about the stairs and then I realized painting them would be the easiest alternative and it only took 3 inexpensive nights!

  • First I sanded the stairs and wiped them down THOROUGHLY! I grabbed some white paint from the basement and went crazy! When I did this part I wasn't sure how wide I would go with the "runner" part so I just painted away!

  • Our stairs have a funky angle at the bottom so some tricky measuring had to take place (thank goodness for my dad). I did buy this paint especially for this project, I went with  Behr floor paint. The floor paint is great because it makes it so it's not slippery at all. I taped off for nice clean line and painted away again. 

  • The last night I did the sides. I measured and taped off the sides. I used leftover paint from the bathroom for this part. 

We LOVE our stairs now! (I have stained the railing since this photo was taken) 

I'm happy to be blogging again! 