Wednesday, June 26, 2013


I find it hard to believe that it's been over a month since my last post. I guess you can say life happened. We had many visitors, went on a little vacation, had two sick kids (and a sick daddy, who was worse than both boys combined!), my youngest had his church dedication and I had a friend who needed some extra support. Unfortunately my new "healthier habits" were tested. Some stayed, some went out the window.... and sadly 3lbs found their way into my body =/ booooo. I feel like that's probably from our processed food filled weekend (the cake was from scratch though =) )

Today is the first day I've felt back on track! I started back up with my love of quinoa. I made Mr.M's favorite cookies and had some for breakfast. We've been using Alter Eco quinoa for those who want to know! Today was the day I felt I really needed to get back on track because I signed up for the Dirty Girl Mud Run 5k  and it's 17 days away!! yikes! I am not in very good shape right now =/ and today I decided to get up at 5a and exercise, it's a start! Honestly, I felt inspired by last night's Extreme Weight Loss, that kid was great! 

Well, that's pretty much all for today! I guess you can say I'm back (think Poltergeist ;) ) 

July will be all about being healthy and saving money for us! Our vacation is all planned and booked and we're starting to move forward with our new house. So we need to be SMART! (I'm biting my nails, really =/ )
....and somehow my 4 month old just moved across the room! Got to go!


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