I FINALLY had Mr.R! I was induced at 41weeks. They started at 2:30p and stopped my pitocin around 1:30a when I was having too many contractions in five minute intervals. Within minutes of stopping I started having some painful contractions and back labor (AGAIN) I stood to lean over the counter and boom my water broke, which was a ton due to the polyhydramnios. I started throwing up and out started to come my beautiful big boy! A couple seconds later they told me only half pushes and there he was! Mr.R came into the world (MED FREE) at 3:08am on Feb 7th! Weighing in at 10.1lbs and 21 1/2inches! It was easy compared to my last labor, but to make it eventful I hemmorhaged after, which was more scary than anything...they said that it wasn't that uncommon in people with large babies, my uterus was distended which caused it. They said Mr.R was the largest baby born at the hospital this yr and that my uterus was large enough for twins, between baby and fluid.
ANYWHOOOO... He is wonderful and sleeps allllll the time. His brother is doing surprisingly well and has even decided on HIS OWN that it is time to be potty trained =)